Sunday, August 1, 2010

Little Sweet Voice Kelsey

As a reminder, I have chosen to write memories about each of our wonderful children in ascending order. Nathan was the first since I needed to submit something for his class, so this week I am priviledged to write about sweet Kelsey. Kelsey came into the world upside down, but has been right side up ever since. The doctor was so upset with the attending nurse because she had not detected the fact that she was breach. Fortunately, she was quite small (just over 5 lbs), so he was able to deliver her without great complication. Since Kelsey was a little girl, she's had such a good sense for right and wrong accompanied by a strong desire to please Heavenly Father. Her early years were frought with sickness as she was pretty tiny and seemed so fragile. Her voice carried a squeeky high pitch and while it could be a bit annoying at times, it was also very cute and endearing. When we lived in Pocatello we dressed Kelsey up in a fancy Christmas dress and she played a starring role in all of the holiday advertising that we did for Pine Ridge Mall. The "camera lady" did everything in her power to get Kelsey to smile, but she was having one of those no smile days! We finally had to go with the solemn look. She was accompanied by an elderly lady in one photo and the caption read, "for kids from 1 to 92". I remember when quite a few tears were shed while living in Boise when Kelsey tucked Hammie into a tight area wrapped snuggling in one her toys for a long turned out to be a longer nap that she had expected. In Virginia, she and her sugar baby friend got into the food storage and her friend thought it might be fun to toss sugar on each other and everything else in the basement. To this day, she claims it was all Cassie's idea. We still believe you Kelsey! Kelsey started developing her talents more fully when we moved to Ohio. She began singing with Summit Chorale, began playing the piano, and joined the Middle School Band. We loved going to her concerts, recitals and tolerated the band concerts the best we could. In time, she and her "bandaleros" became quite talented. She took up precussions because she wanted to be like her friend Sarah Davis. While Sarah was a good girl and role model, we are glad Kelsey became Kelsey rather than a Sarah clone. Before we moved to Rexburg, Kelsey and two of her her band mates performed a rousing number on the zylophone that brought the house down. I remember feeling so very proud of her and how great she had performed. I felt similar feelings when we attended her Summit Chorale concerts, especially at the Christmas concert held in the cathedral in downtown Akron. I am glad that she and mom were able to make the trip to Germany/Austria the summer before we moved so she could have one last memorable experience before leaving her good friends in Ohio. I was so impressed with Kelsey when we decided to make the move to Idaho. In fact, she had her answer that we were to go before we did. And while those first few months as a junior in high school, in a brand new school, without friends, was not always easy for her; yet she never complained or murmured about the difficulty. In fact, she got involved in a number of ways from music to student government. Her senior year was filled with one activity after another; mostly due to her involvment on student council, and she had more friends than two hands can count. In fact, there was often a trail of kids coming and going from our house on most weekends. While we didn't get a lot of sleep those nights we were happy that she was so happy. Mom and I are very proud of Kelsey. We trust her to make good choices and to follow the Spirit. She is very spiritually mature for her young age and has a great love for Heavenly Father. We are excited to see her continue to grow and watch her make good choices that will bless her and our family throughout her life. We love you, Kelsey!

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