Sunday, August 8, 2010

Draper Summer Fun in Idaho

The Drapers have had a great summer so far! We have been swimming, going to the sand dunes, floating (see picture), Jackson Hole, Bar J Wranglers, camping, running a 10K, boating, fishing, golfing, Bear Worldx20, the Zoo, Rigby Lake, campfires in the backyard, Jones Reunion, WASA, fireworks, parades, BBQs, and sadly we have to work sometime in the middle of all this fun! It's been a great really have to take advantage of it when you only get 2 nice months out of the year to enjoy good weather!

Stu has been working really hard to grow Get Found First and a lot of changes have occurred just in the last few weeks. New employees hired on, new ideas, and all great things! Linds just goes crazy with a daughter that can not figure out to pull her chubby legs up and move! She would be a lot more content if she could move. Tate is fun and of course every day asks me where are we going mommy as soon as he wakes up. Never happy to just be at home...hence the bear world times 20 add in...I'm not kidding! I'm also running twice a day which gets a little old but my race is coming up soon! I'm cleaning the houses during the 7 week break students are out of school. Rexburg seriously is a different town during these short weeks...I pretty much love it!

Here are 3 short clips to summarize Stu's day to day and Lindsey's day to day:

We love you all!

1 comment:

  1. hahahahahaha i LOOOOOVE lindsey's day-to-day video. i may have to post it on my own blog.
