Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Children We Love

We all love our children, obviously. Even Kelsey and Nathan, who don't have kids yet, already love their children... it's innate. When we think of our children (or our future children) we have many hopes and dreams for them. We would like to see our girls playing barbies together, our boys building forts and having campouts on the family room floor. We would like to sit together as a family at the dinner table, talking and laughing with one another. A picture like this might sum up the words...

And yet, this is not how life always turns out. I am eternally grateful to Mom, Lindsey and Dad for putting up with Hallie's rambunctiousness. The girl is into everything and even though Adam and I have become quite used to this, I know Mom was in awe of her ability to destroy all things in her path, her ability to get into all things you didn't know 2-year-olds could get into, etc. right up until the day we left. So thank you to all of you who put up with my daughter's EXTREME curiosity and my son's throwing up. Instead of loving hugs and kisses, Hallie prefers to show her love for her brother in other ways... like this:

Oh well.

(picture compliments of Breanne's blog)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Message

We were all encouraged to watch this video in Sunday School and Relief Society today. Enjoy!

-Whitney Anne

Raising a Family to the Lord

Steven Harper, author of "Making Sense of the Doctrine in Covenants" shares an interesting insight regarding the admonition to parents in Section 76. "Children are born weak and helpless. Powerless to act for themselves but innately divine, children can be empowered to act for themselves if properly taught. Out of love, God empowers his children to act as he acts. He teaches them law, beginning with the law of the gospel. If children are not taught God's laws as they mature, they will neve have agency or power to act for themselves. Teaching children the law of the gospel is a prerequisite to their gaining the ability to choose and act for themselves. Teaching children the laws of God does not guarantee they will keep them. It does guarantee that they will be able to choose for themselves whether to keep them. Parents who do not teach and therefore do not endow their children with agency will answer to God for deciding for their childern rather than empowering them to choose for themselves".

Harper later points out that children are endowed with power by giving them laws and, thus, agency. I believe this concept to be vitally important - we must teach our children not just between right and wrong, but also of the process of choice and accountability. As we teach them to think, consider and ponder and eventually choose for themselves, we are teaching them to become like their Creator...and to act as He acts.


Sunday, April 5, 2009

Three White Dresses

I want everyone to watch and listen to this.

For Kels

Kelsey wanted a cuter picture up of her than the title picture. So this one's for you, Kelso.

Welcome to the Webb family blog!

President Eyring encouraged us to record how the Lord has blessed our lives on a regular basis. We're using this blog to post our comings and goings in life, as well as any insights or thoughts that inspire and uplift us. We can offer words of love and encouragement, or we can just show off our cute kids. Feel free to post whatever you want to share with the family, we hope that this blog will help us to become more united and one.