Sunday, June 7, 2009

We meet again... on the blog

Hello, Fam!

Hope all of you are doing well, we're hanging in there around the Morris household. Hallie and Ashton have been waking up at ridiculously early hours, and we don't know how to solve the problem without waking up all of our neighbors. However, the children are in good spirits as we get to go swimming nearly every day.
Hallie has NO fear of going under the water, down the slides, and has even gone on some of the super huge slides with Adam. The girl lives for a thrill... and for Mickey Mouse. Hallie is a magnificent pray-er, she says all of the prayers at meal time and says her own nightly prayers. She can even say prayers all by herself!! They go something like this... Heavenly Father, thanks for this day, thanks for swimmin, name of Jesus Christ, Amen. Haha, she says that prayer all throughout the day, and knows that she's pretty cute when she does it.
Ashton continues to LOVE Hallie, he relishes in any ounce of attention she'll give him. He's starting to scoot along by pushing along the ground with his toes, and I'm pretty sure he'll be a full-fledged crawler by August. He still doesn't sleep through the night,he still wakes up way too early, and he still demands a lot of attention, but he's not spitting up as much, hooray!
Adam continues to chug along at school. Despite his severe decrease of desire to study or do homework, his grades remain mostly pleasing to him. He is officially finished with his entire education on June 18, and then he gets to study some more for the 4 CPA tests, lucky him.
I remain in my position as the children's life-line and home manager. I am also trying extremely hard to be more tidy so that people don't think I'm a slob :) Hallie is doing pretty well with keeping all food and drink items in the kitchen, although Ashton can't seem to understand that he's only allowed to spit up in the sink... oh well, you can't win them all. I am also reading more, too! This should bring a smile to Mom's face, and may I recommend the book Fairest by Gail Carson Levine... cute book, easy read, in the Goose Girl genre. Any recommendations for me? I'm thinking of picking up the DaVinci Code...
We're really excited to move to Vegas in August and I'll make sure that I get up to Rexburg with the kids before August (with or without Adam). We love you all and wish you a happy Sabbath!
Love, the Little Morris Clan

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