Sunday, December 27, 2009

2009 Christmas

We truly enjoyed having all of you home for Christmas this year! In addition to the fun events, playing games, eating and eating and eating, it was great just to be together and to watch you interact and share with each other. You are doing such a wonderful job with your children - you display a great deal of love and patience with them, and while it can be frustrating at times....your demonstrations of love and perseverance will prove to be a great blessing to both you and your children over the course of your lives. As a Bishop, I witnessed several families that struggled simply due to parents raising their voices and breeding contention in their homes. I was always grateful that all of you got along so well with each other. I don't find it to be coincidental that one of the very first lessons Christ taught when he visited the Nephites was the importance of avoiding contention and disputations. Nothing can drive away the Spirit faster than the spirit of contention. So, as I watch you, I am impressed and I encourage you to continue to forge ahead and raise these precious littles one to love one another, to love life and to love our Heavenly Father and the Savior. Thanks for who you are and more importantly who you are becoming.

Love Dad

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